ASTER scene (RGB bands 8-3-10) acquired on 07 Aug 2004 1407UTC

ASTER scene (RGB bands 8-3-10) acquired on 07 Aug 2004 1407UTC

ASTER scene (RGB bands 8-3-10) acquired on 07 Aug 2004 1407UTC over central Mato Grosso state in Brazil (12°15’S 56°44′ W). Active fires are depicted in orange-red tones, vegetation in green, burn scars in dark blue. Fine grid represents the coincident MODIS 1km nominal pixel footprints, where red pixels indicate a fire detection. Coarser grid represents the coincident GOES 4km nominal pixel footprints, similarly the red pixels indicate a fire detection.
Credits: Wilfrid Schroeder: Wilfrid.Schroeder (at) and Ivan Csiszar: Ivan.Csiszar (at)