Author: Nicolas Mari

Reunión Anual RedLaTIF 2021

Este año la reunión anual se hará en modo virtual! El próximo 22 y 23 de Abril se celebrará la reunión de expertos en Incendios Forestales y Teledetección. Este año una gran cantidad de...

(Español) Participantes confirmados

Armando Manuel Rodriguez Montellano – Bolivia – FAN Eva Mejías Sedeño – Cuba – INSMET Henrique Santos -Brasil – Naturatins Isabel Cruz – Mexico – CONABIO Jesus Adolfo Anaya Acevedo – Colombia – UNAL...

Meeting Purpose and Themes

In recent years, there has been a rapid development in satellite based fire mapping and monitoring capabilities from polar as well as geostationary satellites. Apart from the highly matured NASA MODIS fire products, new...


Network meeting at NOAA, first week of October, 2018. Network under the GOFC/GOLD-Fire Mapping and Monitoring Theme. Download HERE the agenda. In order to cope with the large geographic representation, RedLaTIF members started cloud-networking activities during...


Situación Actual